July 20, 2010

A Short Discussion Regarding the History of Aaron Joaquin’s Baptisms.

LLDM holds this day as a very holy day because of Aaron’s vision in 1943 of the Lord Jesus Christ instructing Aaron to baptize himself (auto-baptism) in order to declare himself the “new apostle of God” and to establish a “new beginning” for the church that he had already established performing the act of auto-baptism on July 18, 1943. This is in light of the fact that Aaron had already been baptized 5 years earlier in 1938 by Brother Figueroa. But by 1943 Aaron came to believe that his 1938 baptism was not good enough because it did not establish him as equal to Christ for the forgiveness of sins.

I say equal to Christ Jesus because as recorded in the official LLDM history book (English) of the “Life and Work of Apostle Aaron Joaquin” on page 146 and I quote –

“Then, amidst the light, he saw the image of Jesus baptizing himself in the Jordan River.”

This is a false statement to support what Aaron believed to be his new founded authority to be the new “messenger, representative, ambassador, liaison, and union between God and his church” (page 148 of the same book).

THE FACT of the matter is that the Lord Jesus Christ did not atuo-baptize himself. He was baptized by John the Baptist. The Lord Jesus did this for the express purpose to show to mankind that He, God in the Flesh, was not here to rule but to serve mankind as a servant, to be the true perfect sacrifice for our sins, and to be the only true messenger, representative, ambassador, liaison, and union between God and His church.

(Matt 3:13) – “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.”

(Mark 1:9) – “At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.”

The history and time-line for the baptisms of Aaron does not stop with his baptism in 1938. Even thought it is recorded on (pages 119 – 121) of how in 1938 Aaron decided that it was time for him to go back to Monterrey to talk with Saulo and Silas, “parallel authorities who held all the power of the gospel in that region.” Here LLDM historians are recording that Saulo and Silas are equal to Aaron.

During Aaron’s time in Monterrey he was talking of the doctrine of “In the name of Jesus Christ” only for baptism and that the “Trinitarian” doctrine of “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” was false. While speaking this doctrine Aaron was confronted by Maria Luisa. She proceeded to inform Aaron that he was baptized himself in the name of “the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.

On (page 121) it is recorded that, “Brother Aaron was speechless due to the surprise. He held his breath. Submerged in his conscience, he searched for the fleeting space of the act when he was baptized. He could not find it. He only remembered the emotion of the moment.”

Maria Luisa told Aaron to go and talk with Silas himself which Aaron did and Silas confirmed to Aaron that he had been baptized “in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, this is to say, in the trinity.”

On Sunday after the pastor read of this history he neglected to read another passage from the history book found on (page 18) regarding Aarons history of baptisms which I will present here –

Before I cite this section of history let me preface it with this; Aaron had been trying to legally get out of his military obligations with out success and decided that it was best for him to just leave “and to temporarily hide in a church.” Just so you understand this is called “Desertion” and even in today’s modern US Army is punishable by death.

“This determination made it necessary for him to leave Torreon as quickly as possible and to temporarily hide in a church. As an alternative, the brothers proposed for him to go to Tampico where Brother Catarino Ramos, known as Barnabas, was staying accompanied by the missionary Jose Stewart, or to go to Monterrey where Brothers Saulo and Silas lived. These men (Saulo and Silas) were viewed by the brothers as the most holy. His (Aaron) choice was not difficult, feeling a natural liking for Brother Silas, who had baptized them, (Aaron and his wife Elisa) they decided to go to Monterrey. They gave away their furniture and other belongings they could not take.”

So in summary regarding Aaron’s baptisms:

1. First baptism in the “Triune” name of God, the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit performed by Silas (1925).
2. Second baptism “In the name of Jesus Christ” alone performed by Brother Figueroa. (1938)
3. Lastly baptized again “In the name of Jesus Christ” but performed by himself. (1943)

Question: Why did Brother Eusebio (Aaron) go through all of this since he had already received from God the one true Holy Spirit as recorded in the history book with its own chapter on (pages 16 – 18) titled “HE RECEIVES THE HOLY SPIRIT”. What is even more amazing is in this same chapter it is recorded that his wife Sister Elisa had already received the Holy Spirit because of her faith in the Lord Jesus.

Eusebio (Aaron) speaking – ““Lord, if the feelings of faith that my wife has are from you, I want to feel the same.” There was a precedent for this. Sister Elisa had already received the Holy Spirit, but he did not know this, nor did he understand these manifestations.” (Page 16).

Shortly afterwards it is recorded that Eusebio (Aaron) began speaking in tongues while he was praying, “he immediately told his wife about this fascinating experience. Since she was cognizant of the same emotions, she said with Joy: “God is with us.” (Page 16)

And again a little later, “This even happened several times, and on one of those days, Brother Leandro Garcia, pastor of the church in Matomoros de La Laguna, Coachuila, passed near that place of refuge. He heard someone praying and speaking in tongues. He approached and recognized Brother Eusebio (Aaron). Once this event had concluded, Brother Leandro remained with him a long while and thoroughly explained to him that those manifestations signified the presence of the Holy Spirit and that he had received it like the first Christians had. Later Brother Leandro gave public testimony before the whole church of Torreon that Brother Aaron (Eusebio) had received the promise of the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues.” (Page 17)

Now what I find interesting is that during this chapter, and all other chapters that follow to the end of this history book, never is it declared that Brother Eusebio (Aaron) received a false holy spirit in 1925 and that it was not until his self-baptism in 1943 did he receive the one true Holy Spirit. It has always been acknowledged that Aaron received the one true Holy Spirit in 1925.

So my question is this – Just before Aaron received his first baptism by Silas in 1925 he received the Holy Spirit. Why then did Aaron, the future Apostle of God, not understand that everything that he had read in the Bible was wrong regarding being baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit?

It is now clear as to why the statement “Then, amidst the light, he saw the image of Jesus baptizing himself in the Jordan River” was made by Aaron. He believed himself to be the new Christ, the new Messiah and the new Savior of the world. And as of 1943 he was now the only one on earth who could grant forgiveness of sins. It made perfect sense to himself and his followers that he must auto-baptize himself and forgive himself of his sins first and then begin to be the means by which all others are forgiven their sins.

One problem with that train of belief is that the Lord Jesus Christ was not born of sin and did not need to forgive himself of sin and therefore he did not need to have his sins washed away in baptism because he had no sin! Just as I mentioned in the beginning Jesus did this to show to mankind of how much He loves us and humbled himself before us to save us! AMEN!

This first act of glorification is the beginning point where all of the other doctrines of LLDM can trace their origins from. In order for Aaron to explain how he can be the only Savior for forgiveness of sins he had to first remove Christ from His place of righteousness as was clearly expressed 56 years later declaring “Jesus was just another great man who lived here on earth but is now no more” to quote from the 2009 LA Kodak Theater production praising and glorifying the now currently believed Savior of the world, Samuel Joaquin Flores.

Food for thought: If 1943 was the new starting point for the forgiveness of sins through Aaron Joaquin and he was the origin for all to receive forgiveness of sins through him, and his disciples (pastors) to include his son Samuel Flores then would it not be possible for anyone who is forgiven of their sins and baptized under the authority of LLDM to become an apostle of God?

Or did Samuel Flores also auto-baptize himself and forgive himself of his sins in the same way as his father did?